
Enrolling at our school


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​All students who reside within the local catchment area and are eligible for enrolment in the education program offered by the school have a right to enrol at the school. The Principal will hold places for students who relocate to within the catchment boundary throughout the school year.

Enrolment of students from outside the local catchment area will be managed to ensure that the total current and forecast enrolments do not exceed the school's current built capacity and where applicable will ensure there is an even spread of students across year levels or class groupings.​

The school's Enrolment Management Plan (EMP)​ does not replace other departmental policy; for example, Safe, Supportive and Disciplined School Environment, nor does it override subsequent determinations regarding built school capacity.

Primary school consists of Prep to Year 6. Children must be six years by 30 June in the year they enrol in Year 1.

Applications for admission into Years Prep – 6 will be accepted each year from the beginning of Term 1 for enrolment to commence from the beginning of Term 1 the following year.

Applications will be recorded in order of receipt and will remain current only for the year of submission.

Camp Hill State Infants and Primary School is governed by the EMP. All students who reside within the local catchment area (must provide the require proof of residency documents) or currently have a sibling at school; and are eligible for enrolment in the educational program offered by the school are automatically entitled to an enrolment in Prep and other Year levels.

To determine when your child can commence their prep year, use the online calculator.

To determine if you reside within the catchment please check the Department of Education Catchment Area Map.

Enrolment Criteria

Students who reside outside the school's local catchment boundary who apply for enrolment at the school will be put on a waiting list in order of receipt of application. Where there is spare capacity, students will be enrolled form the waiting list on the following criteria and order of priority:

  • Siblings of students already enrolled.
  • Children and young people who are subject to child protection orders that grant guardianship or custody to the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Child Safety.
  • Students whose parent or legal guardian is employed by the school.
  • Siblings of students who have left the school and reside outside of the local catchment boundary.
  • Students who reside outside the catchment area and who officially leave the school will be considered for re-admission in accordance with the enrolment criteria.
  • Any remaining students residing outside the catchment area.



Enrolment Packs for Prep who are in catchment are accepted from the second week of Term 1, the year prior to your child commencing Prep.

Enrolment Packs, as an expression of interest for Prep who are out of catchment are accepted from the second week of Term 1, the year prior to your child commencing Prep.

You are more than welcome to complete the Enrolment Pack (EOI) with the understanding that acceptance of all Prep enrolments will be confirmed when a Letter of Offer has been issued, later in the year.

Enrolment applications can only be accepted after the sighting of your child's original birth certificate by our enrolments staff.​

Year 1 - 6

If you wish to be considered for an enrolment, please submit your completed Enrolment Pack to the Enrolment Officer via email. A booking will then be made by phone or email, to arrange an enrolment interview. This is done with the understanding that acceptance of the enrolment will be confirmed by the school after the completion of the enrolment interview. 

All catchment area enrolments must be accompanied by proof of residency documentation. and a birth certificate


If you wish to be considered for an enrolment, please submit your completed Enrolment pack to the Enrolment Officer.

Each Enrolment Form submission form will be reviewed based on the school EMP and school vacancies.

All enrolment applications will be considered on merit in accordance with the enrolment criteria.

Parents wishing to have an unsuccessful enrolment application reviewed may seek clarification from the Principal. Parents may provide a written submission seeking a review of an unsuccessful enrolment application. This submission should present evidence to substantiate a claim that the stated criteria have not been applied fairly and equitably.​

Required supporting documentation

Parents who wish to enrol their child/ren at Camp Hill State Infants and Primary School under the EMP will need to demonstrate that the child/ren to be enrolled, reside within the catchment area. Current proof of residency at the address indicated can be provided as follows:

Proof of residency

1 x primary source

  • Current Lease Agreement,
  • Rates Notice (address & parent's/legal guardian's name),
  • Driver's License, or
  • Unconditional Sale Agreement, and

1 x secondary source

  • Utility bill (e.g. electricity, gas) showing the same address

If unable to provide this proof of residence, a Statutory Declaration confirming that an officer authorised to endorse statutory declarations has sighted sufficient evidence that in their opinion the student is a resident within the catchment area, must be provided.

Proof of identity

  • ​Original Birth certificate (if your child was born in Australia)
  • Australian citizenship certificate
  • Date arrived in Australia (if your child was not born in Australia and does have Australian Citizenship)
  • Passport, Visa, Date of Arrival Stamp (if your child was not born in Australia and does not have Australian Citizenship)

​​To lodge your enrolment expression of interest and/or Enrolment Pack, please email all relevant forms to: or hand in person to the Administration Office.

For any further enrolment enquiries, please contact our Enrolment Officer on (07) 3900 9333.​

Enrolment Application

Enrolling in our school is a straight forward process. We have made our documentation available below to make the process easier.

Please complete the following forms for each child. These may be downloaded or collected from the school office:​​


To learn more about our school policies and procedures, read or download the following documents which are stored under Enrolments in the Forms and Documents page on the website:

  • ​​​Information Pack:
    • ​​Parent Information Handbook
    • Student Code of Conduct
    • Enrolment Management Plan
    • School Uniform Dress Code
    • Welcome to Prep
    • Sun Safety Policy
    • Uniform Shop Prep Intake 20xx
    • OSHC Parent Welcome Information
    • Tuckshop Welcome Information​

Last reviewed 06 February 2025
Last updated 06 February 2025