Welcome to Camp Hill State Infants and
Primary School (CHSIPS). We are proud to be a Department of Education Independent
Public School.
Our history:
2006 Camp Hill State Infants and Primary School was established after the
merger of the two Camp Hill schools located on adjoining campuses - Camp Hill Primary School (established 1926) and Camp Hill Infants School
(established 1951). Our school combines the proud histories and traditions of
two schools that both had very deserved reputations for providing excellence in
Camp Hill State Infants and Primary School is set across two campuses, Junior (Prep to Year 2) and Senior (Year 3 - 6). It is situated on large grounds and has a diverse range of sporting facilities including a heated pool and two halls (performance and multipurpose). The school is committed to respecting and developing our unique environment which includes the koala corridor.
Our school motto:
Together We Achieve, reflects the strong partnerships in our community. Camp Hill is
committed to partnerships with and between our students, families and staff. Respectful and honest communication is the foundation of these relationships.
1. Lifelong Learning
We value lifelong learning through the promotion of creative exploration, independent learning, inquiry and innovation.
believe that everyone, at every age, can learn and improve. Each individual is unique with their own interests and character to be developed.
We are committed to providing learning experiences that are rigorous, future-focused, enterprising and transferable to the diverse range of situations that our students will encounter to foster inventiveness and resourcefulness. Given time to think, students will explore, improve and expand their world of learning.
2. Respect
We value respect, which is underpinned by our School Expectations of Behaviour. These include:
Courtesy is being polite and having good manners. When we speak and act courteously we give others a feeling of being valued and respected.
Consideration is being thoughtful of other people and their feelings. We think about how our actions affect others. We pay careful attention to what others like and dislike. Consideration of others is being fair, including everyone and making good choices. Consideration is caring for people, property and the environment.
Cooperation is getting along and working together with others to share the load in an organised way. When we cooperate, we join with others to do things that cannot be done alone. We are willing to follow the rules to keep everyone safe and happy. Together we can accomplish more.
Commitment is deciding carefully what we need to do and then giving it 100%, trying as hard as we can. We give our all to a friendship, a task, or something we believe in. We show persistence and finish what we start. We keep our promises.
We expect all members of our school community to act with a high level of personal integrity, modelling the best standards of personal behaviour. We take pride in our school.
3. Collaboration
An intentional collaborative approach to teaching practice is valued as the best way for our school to achieve results and improve student learning.
There is consensus among the world's learning educational researchers that collaboration is essential to building an effective Professional Learning Community (PLC).
Hill, as an Independent Public School, has an active School Council and is supported by a very dynamic and committed P&C.
Camp Hill P&C manage:
- Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program that is held in high regard by our community and other education organisations. The OSHC program is founded on the Playworks program. This program has been recognised both nationally and internationally. The program includes Before and After School and school Vacation programs.
- Tuckshop operates 5 days a week and offers a Smart Choices menu for our students (Prep to Year 6). Orders are taken online (via Flexischools).
- Uniform shop provides all uniform requirements for our students, with stock held on campus.
- Crocs Swimming Club operates on a Friday night during swimming season. This program provides opportunities for all levels of swimming ability.
The P&C fundraise during the school year with all funds raised going back into the school to support all students.
At Camp Hill we focus on the fundamental belief that learning is central to everything we do, in every field of activity and with all members of our school community.
school is committed to the four dimensions of Global Competence as described in the OECD PISA Global Competence Framework. These four dimensions are directly addressed through our school delivery of the Australian Curriculum General Capabilities and Cross Curriculum Priorities and are supported by the four inseparable building blocks of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
The school has an agreed collective responsibility to support every Camp Hill student by providing authentic, contemporary and engaging curriculum. This curriculum is based on strong research that will empower students with the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills needed to be creative, innovative and confident members of society. We are an inclusive and dynamic community.
The Camp Hill school community takes pride in our great school.
Deborah Driver