1. Administering medication at school
If your child requires staff to administer any medication at school, medical authorisation is required (this includes over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, Ventolin, alternative medicines and even skin creams and ointments).
School staff will only administer medication that:
- has been prescribed by a qualified health practitioner (e.g. doctor, dentist) and outlines the dosage required,
- is in its original container,
- has an attached pharmacy label with the student’s name.
Office staff will ask you to complete the relevant forms listed as well as provide written advice that your child has received the medication previously with no side effects. For Epi-Pens, an Emergency Medication form will need to be completed.
N.B. If your child requires more than one medication, you will need to complete a form for each medication. You will also need to provide a device to administer any medication such as a syringe.
Our staff are bound by these regulations set out by Education Queensland. For more information, please refer to the Education Queensland Website.

2. Requirements for students at risk of anaphylaxis
If your child is at risk of anaphylaxis, it is important for you to provide the school with your child’s recent ASCIA Anaphylaxis Action Plan (including a photograph of your child), completed by your doctor.
3. Requirements for students at risk of asthma
If your child has asthma, it is important for you to provide the school with your child’s Asthma Action Plan, completed by your doctor.
We recognise that some students are capable of managing their asthma without adult assistance. If you are confident that your child can confidently, competently and safely self-administer their asthma medication, advise the school administration in writing. The Principal (or delegate) will consider your request and if approved, we will not require your child’s Asthma Action Plan. Please note that if your child requires assistance in an asthma emergency, staff will provide Asthma First Aid.