Student Code of Conduct
Camp Hill State Infants and Primary School (CHSIPS) is committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for students and staff, where students have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences and acquire values supportive of their lifelong wellbeing.
The Student Code of Conduct is designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that the learning and teaching in our school can be effective and students can participate positively within our school community.
Our school community has identified the 4Cs as the overarching school rules to teach and promote our high standards of responsible behaviour.
- Cooperation is getting along and working together with others to share the load in an organised way. When we cooperate, we join with others to do things that cannot be done alone. We are willing to follow the rules to keep everyone safe and happy. Together we can accomplish more. Together We Achieve (our school motto).
- Courtesy is being polite and having good manners. When we speak, and act, courteously we give others a feeling of being valued and respected.
- Consideration is being thoughtful of other people and their feelings. We think about how our actions affect others. We pay careful attention to what others like and dislike. Consideration of others involves being fair and inclusive and making appropriate choices. Consideration is also caring for property and the environment.
- Commitment is deciding carefully what we need to do and then giving it 100%, trying as hard as we can. We give our all to a friendship, a task, or something we believe in. We show persistence and finish what we start. We keep our promises.
Expectations of Behaviour