State school is resourced by the State Government through appropriation funding
to provide a core educational service to students.
Voluntary financial
contributions are used by schools to provide an enhanced educational service
and to enhance resources available for student learning, recreation and
In 2023 the program will support a range of programs including Information Communication Technology and Differentiation of Learning.
The Camp Hill Parents & Citizens Committee annually approve a nominated amount for the VFC – in 2023 the recommended levy is $60 per student or $100 per family.
I encourage you to consider supporting the learning programs of your sons/daughters with the 2023 VFC.
The school’s preferred payment method is by direct banking. These details are:
Account Name:
| Camp Hill State Infants and Primary School - General Account
| 064-104
Account Name:
| 0009 0109
| Child's class, Eldest child's first initial, Family Name, VFC e.g. 3ACDollarsVFC
Your VFC contribution will add greatly to our schools capacity to provide exceptional, innovative, challenging and state-of-the-art educational programs to all our Camp Hill students.
Mrs Driver